I want to join my local gym and as my flatmate is a member I asked her to get me a price for the gym-only membership when she was there. She asked at reception and was told she would have to ring. Which I think is quite stupid but hey! Turns out you need to speak to someone else, not the receptionist, someone from sales I think. So I googled them and got a number which I couldn't get through on! Asked my flatmate if she could ask for the proper number and they have given her the same one! GRRR! There is another gym nearby but the opening hours are not as good. All the others are quite a walk away and I don't drive. Might go in and ask to speak to the person I need, if they say I need to ring, get my mobile out and do it there and then!
It's bonus vouchers time at work, to get them you need to firstly get a good staff review, secondly they look at your sickness record, 0-3days in the last year gets you 100% of your weeks wages, 3-5days gets 75% and 5-7days gets 50%. I had 56days off meaning I will get either £7.50 or £12.50, same as last year and the year before, oh and the year before!
Haven't felt too great today, quite tight and breathless. Have been feeling quite tired all week, thought it might have been cus I over did it last week but after today think it might be an infection creeping in :-( Have got clinic on Monday so going to see what happens over the weekend, keeping my fingers crossed!
30 days of me
5 years ago
hey, make sure you try get a discount at the gym cos of your cf. It called a medical rate or something