Grr... its raining so I don't think it is such a good idea I go down to the field today! Was actually really looking forward to it. Now I have to think of something I can do exercise wise that involves staying in the dry. Still unsure as to whether this is a new infection or the end of the one I'm on Ciprofloxcin for! I'm steering slightly towards the 'end of the old infection' bit but that could just be wishful thinking! Although it does seem very easy to clear stuff out my lungs which I normally have at the end of an infection! Anyway I've got 3doses left on the Cipro so see how things go after that!
So yesterday had been a year since me and John got together and we had a cool day, definately different to what we had planned but we went over to Northampton with his mum and brother and played bingo! Didnt win nothing (apart from £5 on the slots!) but had a laugh and was quite chilled out! I did make dinner, was chicken, asparagus and sprouts! sprouts where a bit random to have with it all but I didnt have any other veg! Still was all cooked well, most of it eaten (I left a little bit) and no food poisoning so was all good! Once we got back from bingo watched one of the films we rented (Run Fatboy Run) which was really good. There wasnt as many gags as I had expected but they where very funny and not as 'cheap' as I expected them to be! Started to watch the other (The Life Of David Gale) but was getting tired and it was really long so went to bed! Anyway was all good fun, even Charlie coming in drunk telling everyone that her feet really, really hurt! Lol!
10 weeks today till the walk! 1 week tomorrow until going to Spain! Massive WOOP WOOP!!!
30 days of me
5 years ago
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