Got back from Spain yesterday, really didn't want to come back but here I am! I went on Monday and arrived late pretty much went straight to bed! Came back yesterday lunch to an empty house, John is in Gran Canaria until Saturday and it might sound a little sad but I just feel quite lost with out him!
Anyway whilst in Spain I checked my facebook and saw that Sally-Anne has had her transplant on St. Patricks Day! Haven't spoke to her but I have heard she is doing well! Have got her a card to send. Also got a message last night on facebook from a friend AJ, who had a lung transplant not too long ago but had been back in hospital with rejection, telling me that he is back home, feeling like he has been ran over by a truck but is OK.
So with Sally-Anne having had her transplant in the UK I am now doing the walk for the CF trust. Have got a lot to sort out in a short time although there is a small chance I will have to cancel/postpone the walk as I have got my appointment to see the surgeon to have my port put in on the 1st April so I may be having IVs prior to it been put in or recovering after. My appointment is at 8.40am and it can take up to 2hours to get to the hospital on public transport so not really looking forward to it! Anyway I am in clinic the day before but I'm gonna ring up and see if I can get an appointment on the 1st even if I have to hang around for a few hours still better than going over 2 days in a row! I will be quite curious to see what's happening with my lung function. When I had IVs in Jan my FEV1 was 1.76 mid IV it was 1.81 then at the end it was down 1.49 even though I felt really good. Was put on a new neb and it went back up to 1.83 so I was discharged and my follow up was down to 1.79 but I was feeling amazing and had put on loads of weight so they weren't too bothered. I'm not completely sure what the % is because after my IVs in Oct my FEV1 was 1.9 and that was meant to be 51% but for my 1.79 it says its 56% so I need to question it find out the proper one! It kinda feels weird to feel so well with only a bit over 1/2 of the lung capacity I should have, it really makes me wonder how amazing it must be to not have CF! Anyway I think I might be losing a little weight as I'm struggling to eat properly at the moment with feeling sick! Hoping it doesn't last long as I drop weight very quickly when I'm not eating properly (nearly 4kg in a few days after Xmas)
Have been sleeping a lot better, still not perfect but loads better... and talking about sleeping I think that my bed is calling me!!
Night Night!
30 days of me
5 years ago
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