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Weighty Issues
Well it is official, I'm overweight! My BMI is now 25.1. I received my letter from Heartlands reviewing my clinic last week and I realised that the weight gained was actually 4kg not 3 like I wrote a few posts ago, I then weighed myself again today and my scales say I've put on a further 3.4kg in NINE DAYS!!! This is a little scary, I know my lungs are better when I have weight on and it is better to be able to gain it easily rather than struggling to but it is definitely getting to a point where my female vanity is kicking in! And a good 70% off the weight seems to be going to my belly and boobs (I don't mind the boobs bit!) and I am totally sick of people thinking I'm pregnant (it would be an immaculate conception if I was) I even have people who have known me for ages and know I have a bit of a belly who think it now.

Excuse the sexy PJ's but this is actually my 'sucking-in-slightly' belly! I wouldn't say I'm normally a confident person but I'm not someone who cries over a few rolls, but I just feel quite down about it right now and I really hate CF for making me need to keep a body shape I hate. Ha ha, maybe I just like moaning, when I first saw my body properly in underwear when I was 47kg I cried and now I'm 66.2kg and I want to cry again, never satisfied huh?I also know a big part of my belly problem is because of all my muscle been cut with my transplant which makes me feel quite guilty because I know I should just be grateful because transplant is amazing but I just can't help hating this 'side effect' right now!Anyway to end I would like to ask any CF women reading a few questions, how do you feel about gaining weight? How have you felt at your heaviest or most bloated? Have you ever wanted to lose weight? Did you? Did you try and fail? Did you not bother and is so was it to try and maintain lung function? Answers on a postcard please... Or maybe in the comments would be easier :-P
Hey Kate I dont like putting weight on and i'm not even overweight in the slightest! The only thing I can suggest is exercise to try tone up abit xx
ReplyDeleteHi Kate. I've nver been over weight but I do get the belly, it's pretty bad at the moment!!
ReplyDeleteI just try to wear clothes that cover it up. Dresses that come out from just under the chest are good ones for hidding it. Sam with those kind of tops over jeans :)
Same as Tori, Ive never been overweight or near it, (though im actually at my heaviest right now) but i get the belly! And it is the bane of my life...apart from all the other crap, ha.
ReplyDeleteBut i really hate it, I was just learning to stop obsessing a few months ago and then I put on over a stone and it got worse than ever, try as hard as i can to tone up but no difference!
At the moment i feel like im too big for my own skin. Like an over stuffed sausage ;)
But i know its good for lungs etc etc blah. Just wish it didnt make us feel crap psychologically to do something good physically for ourselves!
Another clothes tip is tops with ruching can help hide it sometimes! But not too much or it just full-on ruffles, ha :)
I get the belly too, I havn't found a good solution. I end up not eating all day because I hate the bloating so much. I hate gaining weight. I think i'm just used to been slim it really bothers me when i'm not. I've tried to lose weight loads of times, but I wouldn't reccomend it, unless you think you would be able to stop. I've made my bmi go from 21 - 16.8 plenty of times and still never feel good about myself. Maintaining lf is harder too the lower I weigh the iller I get.
ReplyDeleteBest thing I can reccomend is like the others said baggy clothes, dresses are quite good at hiding it, and get ones that finish just after the biggest part of your leg (thats what I do) people then tend to focus on thinking you have nice legs they don't notice the stomach!
You could try doing a bit of exercise because that can help to make you feel good about yourself. If I feel bloated I usually go for a walk or something.
Lauren...I totally sympathise with the over stuffed sausage feeling! I feel like a big marshmellow at the moment.