Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Brain? Where are you?

So I do still plan on doing a blog about CF, weight and vanity and all that but I'm leaving it until I have a little more brain power.

Infact I'm not quite sure why I'm writing a blog right now, I don't really have anything to say, but then I don't really have loads to say most of the time but I still manage to write long rambling blog entries!

My phone is really playing up, it keeps deleting all my text's and my call log. It's been doing this for a while now but to start with it wasn't that often and now it does it within minutes of recieving a text or call, even if I haven't read them or realised I have a missed call. One of my friends works at The Carphone Warehouse and she said I need to link my phone up to the Blackberry webpage and do a software update but this will flash wipe my phone, AKA delete everything off it! My pics, songs and videos are mostly on my memory card and whats not I can transfer onto it but all my numbers will be gone, so I have to write them all down and then put them all back in when it's done! If that doesn't work then it's going out the window!

I should know next week if I passed my first module on my learndirect, I really hope that I have, I'm really enjoying it all and not looking forward to it finishing but at the same time can't wait to have the qualifacation. I really enjoy learning and knowing stuff, I always wish I'd put more effort into college instead of dicking around but hey!

Anyway I've really ran out of brain power/things to say so I'm off. Night all!

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