So I've decided to blog about my boring life once more.
Health things first, well wasn't on the intraconazole for very long, I've had a few problems with my renal function and so was decided to come of it just in case. Have been into Heartlands since last blogged, I just managed a year out the place, wasn't for IV's and I managed 4nights on home leave in 10days so not too bad :) The week before I went in I woke up with a very swollen face, looked like one of those pics you see of someone allergic to hair dye! Went to my walk in centre and was given antihistamines but they did nothing at all and kept waking up more and more swollen, go down over the day, swell up overnight, went back down hosp and they decided it wasn't an allergic reaction but likely a reaction to some of my drugs and advised me to go Heartlands and get my liver and kidneys checked out as well. Went there and they looked at my blood results from annual review and realised my kidney function was quite off... I don't really understand all the numbers on the screens but they said the one they were looking at mostly should be under 80, mine normally sat around 45-50 and was 149! Anyway make a long story shorter was brought in after the weekend for that and to try and work out why I was swelling up. 10 days later, they think my swelling was due to my port been kinked (since it was flushed on the 4th haven't swollen since!) still not sure why my renal function was so off but is getting better, last one was in the 90's, hoping the next results I get on 26th will be better again! I seem to be on 3weekly appointments now, I need to ask them if there is a reason for this or is it just when is available... I've just realised I'm just typing my thoughts not really thinking about writing a blog, fall asleep now if you want... anyway yeah I have appointment on 26th Nov and then again on 16th Dec, don't normally get more than one appointment at a time... oh well!
I'm going to see the port surgeon on the 22nd Dec, they tried to unkink my port and move the tip whilst I was in, by sticking a wire in my groin up the artery to where the point is but that was an epic fail! Don't know get whether the surgeon will try and reposition this port or give me a new one, I'm thinking a new one so if I can have it reposition I will be happy but if they can't I won't be disappointed! My Mum tells me I'm pessimistic about things like that, but I see it as realistic! I'm a very optimistic person generally but sometimes you need to be realistic!
Realised I've not mentioned the lungs yet, they aren't too bad, I've just hit 3months since IV's, I'm on orals at the moment and they seem to be holding a full blown infection at arms length! I'm hoping that whilst holding it at arms length they are all also swinging back a leg to kick it's arse into next year! LOL! In my annual review it was decided that I have too many orals and should prob be having more IV's so they have asked me to think about having regular IV's, 4 or 5 sets a year at regular intervals rather than reacting to infections (unless I need them sooner than scheduled) I'm doing this yet but I am thinking about it, most of me thinks it's a good idea but 2 things are putting me off, firstly my kidneys, if they aren't as happy as they used to be I'm not sure I want to piss them off with extra IV's (last year had 3 IV's and 9 sets of orals) and secondly I just don't like doing IV's, they are a pain in the bum and taking orals is lots easier!
Non health stuff, well not all of it I wanna put on here yet, but I've started my driving lessons back up again and I LOVE it, can not wait till I can drive, will feel so much more free! I've only actually done one lesson so far but I've already started driving round town and main roads which I wasn't doing till about lesson 5 when I did lessons at 18 so I feeling quite happy about it all :)
I'm trying my best to get all sorted early for xmas and I am getting there, my plan is to have it all done or very nearly before I go Heartlands on 26th, that way if I do need IV's then I won't be getting stressed that I'm not ready for xmas and can put that effort feeling well :)
Right anywhoo I'm rather shattered and can hear my bed seductively calling my name so goodnight... or good morning, or good whenever you are reading this! xx
30 days of me
5 years ago
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