OK I'm not happy!
I blew my little lungs out on Monday and I got 1.67/1.98! 12weeks ago I had 2.13/2.something... (I'll look out the letter and edit it in later) I had FEV1 of 68% and my rough calculation for now is 54%, this is after 8weeks of oral antibiotics an 3weeks of IV's in these 12weeks. I do feel loads better, even the night time is a bit better so why is the spiro worse?
I saw the top doc in clinic, he has asked me to move my Dnase to the morning, and do it religiously and come back in 4weeks and if it's not up then... well I don't know... my lung function will be up!
On pluses my weight is up .2kg and I realised it has been rather a long time since I've had any blood in my sputum, just a bit post running in Spain over xmas so I'm thinking that's rather good.
Not a lot is happening in my life right now, well actually it is but it's all mundane crap, and stuff that's not really my crap to tell you about but still taking up my time! My nan's birthday went well, she seems very well at the moment, it's hard to explain but my Grandad was here whole life, she never went and did stuff socially because she just enjoyed been with him (and because she was a bit lazy as well.) Now she has to go out and have a social life or she is stuck in alone in a big house and it's doing her good, she looks well, healthier. She hates the nights though, going back home and being alone all night and waking up and making breakfast for one. We are hoping to take her to see 'The Phantom Of The Opera' soon as a late birthday treat. I'm really hoping it all comes together as I would really like to go myself. I remember making my ex taking me to see it at the cinema as a date and he wasn't impressed but I was really blown away with it, when I watched it on the small screen even though it was still really good it had lost a little sparkle which I think my have something to do with the 14" screen and no surround sound! LOL!
30 days of me
5 years ago
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