I don't really know how to write this blog, I know alot of this stuff is just in my head and I don't know how to make it go away. It all starts a few weeks ago when I was talking to a close friend (who is also a family member) about organ donation and she said that she wasn't keen on been an organ donor because she wanted to look pretty in her coffin. She is on the donor register but only to give her kidneys because aparently they are small enough to leave too big a dent in the body so won't make her body look ugly. Anyway I know everyone is entitled to their opinions about organ donation but after having someone so close to her go through a transplant I just didn't think her reasons would be so selfish and it quite upset me.
Like I said this was about 3-4weeks ago and it's starting to ruin my friendship with this person as I just seem to see pretty much everything this person does as selfish and narcissistic, she hasn't changed at all but I can't help it. I've probably always thought she could be a bit selfish at times but now I don't really even like spending time with her but it's complicated as we live together so I can't just drop her as a friend, and I wouldn't really want to because we used to have loads of fun. Maybe I'm just been stupid but I really don't know how get past this and it's really getting me down to the point where I've even thought about moving out. I understand this sounds mad but I've got to the point where I hardly talk to her, she said she will only come to my 'Liver Party' if there is birthday cake and I nearly punched her.
I'm hoping getting this down will get it out my system, with her being family and we share most of the same friends there isn't anyone I can talk to about this but I need to get it all out before it drives me totally crazy.
30 days of me
5 years ago