Woop woop, I should have my passport next week! Cost over £15 extra in photo's, postal fee's and stuff but I should be getting there! Yay! I'm getting really excited again now, I was looking at the pictures that my Dad sent me of the new house and remembered there is a gym so I'm hoping to get a decent amount of fitness. I ran (well I say ran, most people can fast-walk faster than I can run) to go get my train yesterday (well Weds) and OH MY GOD!! And the worst bit, I still missed the bloody train! The next train was only a few mins later on the next platform across and some how I made that! I was pulling myself up the stairs by the rails.
Anyway this all brings me to my first transplant clinic at the Queen Elizabeth in about 18months, wasn't the best one I have ever had. I woke up late, I didn't manage to get sleep when I got back from town Tuesday and finally fell asleep just after midnight, slept over 12hours! Got my train to Brum with one min to spare and like I already said I missed my connecting train at New Street Station and when I got on the next one I was pretty breathless and the train was packed and very, very hot. Thankfully I only had to be on it for about 10mins but even so I was dripping with sweat (not exactly attractive) when I got off so I must have looked really weird walking round in the freezing cold with no coat on. Now has anyone been to the QE? It's a mental place, it's huge and they always seem to be building new bits. I walked round the corner to the hospital and was lost, straight away, I asked a woman if she knew where Nuffeild House was and she gave me directions which actually sent me nowhere near, then I asked this really nice lady and she gave me perfect directions but by this time I had been walking round for ages and quite was breathless but I was late at this point, inside Nuffeild House was like a sauna, even hotter than the train which set off my chest, took a while to get me checked in because I couldn't speak for coughing so the second my CF doctor clocked me she was talking about IV's. Any I think I did convince her that I'm not actually that bad, maybe need orals, but I think she is going to try and make sure she sees me next week at clinic rather than one off the SHO's. She said 'see you next week' more than once and something about seeing what my blows are next week.
Anyhoo! Away from the CF, the liver doc isn't too happy with my diabetes control but he is happy with the weight I have gained and the stability that that and my compliance has given me. He mentioned something about my bloods and I can't for the life of me remember the name of it but some level in my blood isn't good so he asked when I last had an ultrasound scan and it has been years so he asked my CF doc to book me in for one soon and check for a long word I can't remember and sent me for more bloods and dependant on the results I might need to have a biopsy just to see whats going on. I can't remember when I last had a biopsy, I've had 5 but all pre transplant and all under GA but if I do need a biopsy I don't think that would be a good idea as my liver kicked up a bit of a fuss last time I had a GA. Hopefully won't come to that though, keeping my fingers crossed. Good thing is that they got blood very easily which shows my port is defiantly giving my veins a rest, the QE have tried before to take blood out of my wrist just by my palm and out my foot! If anyone ever tried to put a needle near my wrist again they would regret it, I've had venflons in my feet before and they tried to put on in my leg about 2" above my ankle and that HURT and I let the doctor know, LOL!
Anyway I'm going off point... I missed the first train home! HAHAHA!
When I got back home I was shattered, got into a taxi and told them where I was going and the taxi driver actually said to me I was lazy and it was in that very moment I realized why they have that plastic screen, it's to stop people hitting arsehole taxi drivers. I mean if I want a taxi to 3 streets away then that means I don't want attitude I want a taxi to 3 streets away!
Sorry for the moaning, I've actually been in a well good mood today! :-D
30 days of me
5 years ago
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