Jo was a fighter, she fought C.F. with every breath she took. She was so looking forward to life with her new lungs but she never got that chance. I always thought she would fight her way through anything until she got her new lungs, but sadly this wasn't the case.
Jo will be sadly missed by many, she was friendly, bubbly woman. She wasn't afraid of expressing her opinion and always stood up for herself but she was always there with advice or just a friendly word when needed.
She loved cake and Betty Boop, so on the day of her funeral I'm gunna have a big slice of cake and drink out my Betty Boop mug. I'm sure where ever she is now, she will be touched to know how loved she was and I hope she is dancing, free from o2 and all the restrictions her CF put on her body, with a big smile and a slice of cake.
Breathe Easy now Jo, you fought so hard, now it's time to rest. x

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