Evening all,So firstly I'm gunna send some love to my little brother Marcus, he is poorly with a chest infection, he doesn't have CF but Shelly still took him to the hospital and he has some antibiotics so hopefully he be feeling better soon. Was on the phone to my dad earlier and he said is was really weird because it brought back memories of when I was little and having chest infections, he said he was expecting the same antibiotics that I used to have!I have my first coldsore of the winter but it's almost inside my mouth so I won't be able to stick on a compeed patch (I love those things) but it isn't really visable so not too bothered at the moment. Need to find something to treat it with though so it doesn't spread. But still this is very, very good, I had my first one in September last year! After I had my transplant I had a big outbreak of viral herpes which covered my lips and about half a cm around them. I really hated it, was a big scabby, bloody and puss filled mess, and I was actually glad I couldn't go into school or shops! I was told that the infection would lie dormant in my body and flair up whenever I was ill or rundown. Luckily it's never been as bad as that since but I do get quite a few, normally in the winter, but I did have one in May this year. Weirdly this one I don't feel ill or rundown, in fact I feel pretty damn good!Yeah feeling good, I was doing my physio yesterday and beforehand I did a deep breath in and out (just to see if I could feel where my sputum was) and as I was breathing in it just seemed to go deeper and deeper, as I reached where I felt I would usually be 'full' I just carried on and felt like I got about a quarter more again in! It felt AMAZING!!!Of course my body does like to put it's own little dampner on things so my belly decided to play up and cause me a lot of pain that night. All because I ate some cheesestrings! To be fair I did eat them a bit late but still I took creon so don't know why it had to kick up such a fuss but I was awake til 6.30am with cramps and a sicky feeling, NOT HAPPY! I have been trying to grow my nails, I have bitten them since I was little but I do find it a little disgusting so am trying to stop, haven't bitten them for 3days now and the pics below where taken after 2days, and this IS an improvement on before even though they are stupidly short, they are a bit longer again now though. The thing is that the longer I don't bite them for the more disgusting I find the idea of biting them as I have to continuously clean dirt from under them! If I keep it up I plan on treating myself to a manicure just before xmas!
Hmmm I do have some others things I want to post about but they are going to have to wait till tomorrow as I am knackered and can hear my bed calling 'Kate, come here Kate, lie down on me Kate and pull that duvet over you!' LOL.
Night all x