So I'm kinda shocking at updating this. Oh well!
So my current home is room 11, ward 26 at Heartlands hospital although I should be going home tomorrow... please cross your fingers for me! I've only been here a week but I really want to go home, for once it's less to do with been bored here but having so much stuff I'm missing out on at home! (but I am pretty bored as well) Anyway it was written in my notes today that I'm fine to do home IVs so should be all good to go tomorrow. I'm adding in Trimethropin (sp) tomorrow to deal with my Staph as that was all that was showing in my last sample!
Have been in the gym with the physio today and went on the Wii fit, so much fun, I think I will have to stick it on my Xmas list (yeah I'm thinking about Xmas, even got a few small presents!) Did a few different things but I think the hula worked my lungs best in a shorter time, two min's is long enough for that, I also did an 11 min jog but had to keep stopping to get my breath back. Anyway I can't wait to get it as I wanna try the yoga and more stuff!
Ha ha, I slept through a fire alarm today, apparently it went on for ages and firemen were on the ward and everything! Not 100% sure what it was for, something to do with a funny smell coming through the vents, don't know if they meant burning, gas or something else but they set the alarm off to get it checked out. Wasn't anything to worry about in the end but it did worry me a little that I didn't hear it, I have been awake for the drill before and it is very loud, louder than my smoke alarm at home! If I can sleep through that then would I wake up if I had a fire at home? Would prob be a crisp!
Shelly has posted some pics of kids on facebook and Marcus is sitting up in one of them, on his own! And eating baby rice... my baby brother is growing up (even though he is only 4 months! LOL) I really missing them but can't go over right now as I haven't got a passport or any money! Shelly really wants to come over at Xmas to take advantage of the January sales so will get to see them then!
Anyway Neb's and physio aren't going do themselves so I'm off, will fill you in on my life again... erm... at some point in the future! LOL
30 days of me
5 years ago
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