OK I have realised I am actually shocking at updating this blog...
So since I last updated my cold has gone onto my chest, BOO! I have an appointment at Heartlands next week and I am pretty much due some IVs soon, I have been having IVs every 3/4months for the last year and now it's been 4months.
I am now 24! Have had a wicked birthday week so far, things got changed and instead of been here for the weekend my dad, Shelly and the kids came over Monday and went back today. Sadly I still missed my goddaughter birthday party as she had a stomach bug and didn't want to risk catching it! Anyway she liked her present so that's good. Apparently as the plane landed and just stopped Sofia took her seat belt off, stood up on her seat and shouted 'Kate, I'm here!' So cute, I'm really missing her especially already. She turned round to me at the airport and said 'I will miss you Kate' and see calls me 'my Kate' We took her down to see my mums horse and she wouldn't get on him till I would, now this visit to the horses was completely unplanned and I was wearing a sundress, I borrowed some joggers off my cousin but was still wearing my gladiator sandals and got on the horse... I think I am very lucky to have toes left! Lol! We had a BBQ last night which was really nice. My uncle came down and I hadn't seen him for quite a while so it was really good.
I haven't got any of the pics sorted yet but will stick a few on when I get them.
I was meant to be going shopping with Shelly but as I haven't been sleeping well at the night time because of coughing I have been sleeping mainly from about 5.30/6.30am til midday and even that is very off and on. it's starting to get really annoying because I am tired, I get to the point where I feel dizzy and faint through tiredness but I just start coughing again!
I think I may go over to Coventry soon though with my birthday money! Primark here I come!
I need a rest before I go shopping though! A very busy week + not sleeping + chest infection = exhausted! And shopping exhausted is not the enjoyable experience that it should be!
Anyway hopefully with post some pictures tomorrow!
30 days of me
5 years ago
Happy Birthday!!