So on Thursday afternoon I got a call from my Auntie saying that my dad's girlfriend, Shelly, was having contractions every 5mins but her waters hadn't broke. So we were all hoping that she would have the baby on Friday as it would have been my Grandma's birthday (1st May) and would have been nice as it is the only grandchild she didn't get to meet (well Sofia as well but she is my dad's step daughter) but anyway baby Marcus seemspretty laid back and comfy in there still but wants to be a bit of a pain in the arse! LOL! So just waiting for a phonecall from Espania to say that things are 'moving along!'
Got discharged on Friday, FEV1 was 2.08 which was 65% not my usual post IV increase but better than nothing and it's still going in the right direction! Anyway my liver tests are even better now so hopefully at my next outpatients appointment they will be back to normal. Am starting to get a bit worried about two lumps I have on my stomach though, both where I have recently injected my insulin, and they are quite sore, I noticed the first one Friday around 6pm and the other one this morning. Going to ring my diabetes nurse tomorrow, naturally though it had to happen on bank holiday when she was off for the long weekend!
Went to the Spring Fair today and it was kind of cool in a pretty crappy way! Went on a few rides but after been knocked around on them my shoulder was a little sore where my port was so went a had a few goes on the CF tombola and had a chat with the people running the stall, turns out they know my dad's cousin and her son who also has CF.
Anyway I am ending this post with a RIP to Kevin Wright who was stabbed to death last May Day bank holiday aged 20. (I can't legally put that he was murdered despite the fact he was stabbed 5times! Hmm thats the UK justice system!) Anyway I didn't personally know Kevin but I know his brother (who was also stabbed that night along with his uncle) and we have alot of mutual friends and he is very sorely missed.
Rest In Peace Kev.
30 days of me
5 years ago
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