Am rather short of money at the moment in general, then I get a big shock when I opened my payslip from work to see £51! Have lost 2days pay for hospital appointments! Now where I work I get a certain amount of paid hospital appointments per year so to not be paid for them this week was not good! I use my DLA to pay my bills (apart from phone, mobile phone and internet!) so I could have been OK with £50 as I'm paid up with my bills, but this week I have to go to the hospital and that costs me £15 it's my Mum's birthday and I have very little food and a very big appitite! My Mum's dead good though and don't get offended so long as thought has gone into a prezzie!
Went to the gym yesterday, walked there and was just about to go in when I realised I hadn't got a padlock for my locker so walked all round the 2 retail parks and Tesco's (which doesn't sell padlocks!) finally got hold of one but by this time I feel like I've already done a workout! Still did the workout, really pushing myself and then walked home and then went to work which was very busy... not my best idea really... felt like poo by the time I left for work, lungs hurt at work and feel asleep on my mum sofa after, changing my sheets before I went to bed I actually gave up and left the duvet cover off! Still I slept very well and last nights and today physio has been very productive! My muscles are quite sore and slightly jelly like today! Been doing lots of stretching and it's lots better! Just need to remember that I'm not superwoman just because I feel better than I did a few months ago, walking quite fast on the treadmill at the highest incline is past what I'm capable of at the moment! Anyway going to go again Saturday and take things a little easier on the treadmill. Least I don't have work after either as well!
Had a look in the fridge earlier and realised the insulin pen I am nearly finished is infact my last not the last in its box but thought I had another box, tried to ring the repeats number to find... it doesn't excist anymore! Grrr! So this means going into my docs tomorrow and sitting around waiting for a doctor to have time to write a script then go everywhere looking for a pharmacy that is open on Good Friday! Double Grrr! Really don't know how I managed to get so low. Going to have a full search of the flat anyay, I might have half a pen somewhere!
30 days of me
5 years ago
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