Yeah, yeah, I know it's been ages... again. I'm not very good at the whole regular blogging thing!
I can't really think of what I have been up to! My chest is a little blah, nothing awful though. I'm on some orals anyway and have started Itraconazole. I don't actually have ABPA but it has been decided that always growing aspergillus isn't a good thing and gunna try and kill it.
I really can't think what else I have been up to lately... it's not that I haven't been doing things but I just have a crap memory... hmmm... mostly going to McDonalds in my mates car, well general driving round in her car. I helped her clean it today, as she was bent over cleaning one of the wheels I 'accidently' dripped water from my sponge all down her back and which dripped down into her pants! She did try and get me back by chucking the whole bucket over me, she missed as I managed to run just out the way (massive coughing fit but so worth it for her to get wet and not me!)
Hmmm, I think I'm gunna go now, I'm actually very tired as it's just gone 2am, oops.
30 days of me
5 years ago