Well, I know I haven't blogged for a lifetime... or it feels that way anyway! I'm probably going to regret this when my alarm goes off in the morning but I can't sleep! I'm back on the IV's, not really happy about this, has only been 8weeks between which for some might seem like a while but it's one of my shortest times, I've needed them for a few weeks but thought I would try and avoid them, didn't work though! My lung function was pretty much the same after last lot of them so I'm really surprised and I've been on a girly holiday to Zante as well! Was really good but I'm getting old, I went out 6nights out of 14 and didn't last til the end once! Well I kinda did one night when I went to see Judge Jules as we had planned to go the second he finished although was still 2hours before the club closed! Lost a lot of weight, some before due a mild stomach bug and more while I was there so none of the brand new shorts I brought fit me so first thing was to buy a belt lol! Typical that all my old shorts I left at home fit when I get home... I'll never be rich all the while my weight so up and down! Lol.
Saw an old friend, Sally-Anne, about 7 weeks ago I think it was. It was the first time I had seen her since before her transplant on March 17th 2009 and was just so nice to see her healthy and o2 free! The last time I had seen her was a week before xmas 2008 lying in the hospital bed stuck on oxygen so to see her at the riding stables riding a pony was just amazing, a true advert for the wonderfulness of transplant :)
I'm actually really sleepy now, my alarm is going to go off in a few hours, I still have a few things I wanted to say but it's not going to be tonight now, I may blog again tomorrow or I may forget for a few more months! LOL
30 days of me
5 years ago