OK next part in all this...
Right so where I left this was after I had told John that I had kissed his brother, right well now everything has been blown up out of proportion and every time I have spent more than 3seconds with his brother has been interpreted as us having some sort of affair and it's just not true! I can see why they may think it, neither me or his brother have exactly been angels in the past, but it's just causing John more hurt by making him think I've been having an affair with him.
So anyway I have decided to go stay at my dads for a few weeks so sunny Spain here I come! Now I didn't have the holiday time at work to do this is so I have quit my job which is a little scary but I need to do this to get my head straight and sort my life out! I think I may look into college when I get back, I really love learning but don't have many qualifications because I had my liver transplant bang in the middle of my GCSE's so I am going to look into courses at my local college, any way will see what happens, I just need to make some changes. It's all just going quite fast, I'm just hoping my head catches up soon as at the moment I don't know whether I'm coming or going!
John has pissed me off in one sense in that he thought he would ring my mum and tell her the whole story and some other stuff, I can't believe it, I just think it's a little childish, kinda like kids going 'I'm going to tell your mum on you!' And then today he went round there, my parents weren't in but it has annoyed me! Basically I had my step dad's fathers day present on order which was due to come the weekend afterwards (last weekend) and John paid for it at the time but the day before he went to pick it up I gave him the money for it, he had picked it up on the Sunday after the kiss and he decided to take it round today but had to leave it with my brother but seriously why? I know he is pissed off and upset but that was MY present for MY dad! What was wrong with giving it to me with the rest of my stuff? I know compared to the rest of it he has so much more to be pissed off about but I just can't see why he wants my family involved! I'm not the sort of person who goes running to my parents every time I have a problem, I like to deal with things myself, yeah I would have told them about the whole situation when I saw them but not got them involved in anyway! Oh well it's done now but if he goes round or rings them again I will have to say something to him about it!
I'm going to start sorting out some stuff tomorrow and start getting his stuff back to him, and also going to give the teddies he got me with hearts saying 'I Love You' to the charity shop as they just seem to be staring me in the face at the moment (they are on the shelf at the end of my bed). Found the card he got me for our year anniversary and it was a little emotional, I really didn't want things to end like this.
30 days of me
5 years ago