Hey, just a very quick update as have come round to my Mum's to use my brothers laptop, there is something wrong with mine. Not sure why but it's so slow and not all things will load up! Grrr!
Anyway whats new with me, well I had a lovely 11days in Spain and was topped off by the fact my baby brother, Marcus Lewis Charles, was born whilst I was out there (7lb5oz), I got to hold him at less than two hours old, it was quite overwhelming. Sofia loves him and loves helping her mummy out with him. Was a completely natural birth (not even gas and air) which I'm pretty proud of Shelly for!
Got back and a quick trip to Heartlands showed a bit of a drop in lung function (66% to 59%) so I'm back on Cipro and Trimepromin (sp?) and now finally 2days before finish I am starting to feel loads better. The cough swab I gave them in May came back clear somehow... gave 5mls sample this time so if don't grow anything in that then I will be very happy! Can't wait to finish the Cipro because the weather is lovely and shock, shock I have started to burn on it... this is not something I am happy about, I'm having to wear long sleeves and boil to death, by the time it's out my system will prob be raining again, it's Sod's law.
Not much else is happening in my life at the moment! Oh actually John's brother is now a daddy to Jamie Dominic, also very cute (and big! 9lb7oz!) thankfully for her she had a c section!
Well that's all for now... my brother is probably going to start moaning at me in a minute for being on here!
30 days of me
5 years ago